Our Partners

The Cambodian Health Committee (CHC), also known as the Global Health Committee has worked in Cambodia since 1994. In 2006, Angelina Jolie together with CHC founded the Maddox Chivan Children’s center (MCCC) to help Cambodian children suffering from social isolation, educational interruption, and inadequate health care and nutrition due to HIV, AIDS and TB. The MCCC, now in its tenth year, is located in Phnom Penh, where it provides integrated services including medical, nutritional, educational, psychosocial and enrichment activities for children from toddler age to 16 years old in a day-care setting.

To help reduce child mortality and improve maternal health in Samlout, we have partnered with the UK South Central Strategic Health Authority. The Fellows share with us their knowledge in public health and in return we share our experience in overseas development and offer a placement in our health clinics for them to operate in and learn.

Landmines laid in Cambodia during the civil war continue to affect the lives of Cambodian people. Although half of Cambodia’s minefields have now been cleared, the country is still one of the most landmine-impacted in the world. Samlout was heavily affected, as the first and last stronghold of the Khmer Rouge. Through our cooperation with HALO Trust we have cleared areas where we operate to make it safer for the people of Samlout.

We have cooperated with the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) on reducing poverty and improving food security, through the sharing knowledge and practices of sustainable farming systems for upland crops, such as maize, soybean, peanut, mungbean and sesame. Together we have investigated and tested new technologies and farming practices through on-farm demonstrations. We have combined this with village workshops to help identify the social and economic constraints to adopting new technologies and changing farming practices in the rural communities.

The Samlout Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Project was established in June 2010 with support from the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario, Canada (ETFO) . Together we worked to empower and promote the rights of women and girls in Samlout, through public awareness campaigns, vocational skills training, business development and literacy programs. In October 2011, ETFO developed a Women’s Prosperity Centre, which provides a venue for women to meet, gain literacy skills and access vocational training. It also offers a women’s shelter in times of need.